Just a reminder that the survey for the Community Resource Fair will close tomorrow, Jan. 20th, by end of day. After that date, the survey will no longer be open to receive responses. Thank you to those that have already filled it out and provided their input! Here is the survey link: https://forms.gle/biecJCKHwQKRM7rQ9
about 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Vernon ISD will be streaming their varsity basketball games on YouTube. Please subscribe to the following YouTube Channels: Boys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSH43Vppgnzu_0IfGHGGxvw Girls: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgZbVCvfpqHHSKSzhOPR3A
about 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
🏀 Our 7th and 8th grade Lady Lions came to support our Varsity Lady Lions tonight at the game and were recognized at half-time! Let's go, Lady Lions!!!
about 2 years ago, Chantilly Sweet
Lady Lions Basketball
Just a reminder that ALL Vernon ISD campuses will be CLOSED on Monday, January 16 and Tuesday, January 17.
about 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
No School
Hello Vernon Lion families! We are planning a community resource fair this Spring. Our hope with this event is to connect our families to the community resources in our area. We would love to have your input for the event and learn what type of resources you would like to see represented there. Please use the link provided below to record your thoughts. The survey will close on Jan. 20th. The information gathered from the survey will help us to plan and coordinate the event. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey! Access the survey here: https://forms.gle/biecJCKHwQKRM7rQ9
about 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
school drawing image
STATE CONGRESS 2023!! This week our VHS Congress team went to Austin for competition. Please see Dr. Ward's reflection. "I was not forthcoming in my thoughts as a high schooler to join my school’s debate team. Rest assure that if I had a chance to do it all over again, I’d shoot for the team captain’s role on that team. Crafting and effectively executing a persuasive argument is a skillset that we all use often in life. Meet our team of good-looking kids who went to Austin and represented the City of Vernon and this district well. This team was led by senior Madeline Brown, yet the other members (all freshmen) competed at region (2 as alternates) and assisted her with research for the 20 pieces of state legislation that were released on December 1st. In short, expect VISD to be right back in Austin next year." Congratulations and we are proud to have you representing VHS!
about 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Congress Debate Team 2023
Congress Debate Team 2023
Congress Debate Team 2023
Congress Debate Team 2023
🏀Our Lady Lions and Lions are both heading to City View on Friday for their next basketball game! Join us there to cheer them on!
about 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Girls basketball
Boys Basketball
We here at Vernon ISD want to see our students succeed as much as you do. We want to give them the absolute best and are striving to improve every day. One of those improvements is that Vernon High School will be administering, AND paying for, the ACT exam for ALL of our 11th grade students at Vernon High School! We believe this is one more step towards setting our students up for excellence! More information will be shared with these students at a later date.
about 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
A MESSAGE FROM OUR SUPERINTENDENT REGARDING VHS DRESS CODE AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES Vernon Family: We are excited about the start of the Spring semester tomorrow. The staff and I have discussed the critical things that need to be in place to ensure that each VISD HS student is successful. It is important that all students understand the VISD board approved dress code before returning to school. There are no changes to the dress code; only a commitment from the staff to commit to ensuring that it is implemented. For all students arriving to school out of dress code the student will be given the opportunity to conform to VISD dress code standards, parents will be notified, and as a last resort the student will be placed in ISS until the current mode of dress can be amended. Additionally, I can assure this community that the VISD staff shows up each and every day to teach and teach the whole child. Frequently student cell phone usage impedes their pursuit. Moving forward there will be no cell phone usage of any kind in the classroom. For students seen with their cell phones, the students will be asked to turn in their cell phones to the office. Parents will be notified and will be able to pick the cell phone up in the front office. Excellence in anything originates from developing a strong set of standards and high expectations. Effective communication of those standards and high expectations should always be considered paramount. For this reason, the campus administration has planned an assembly for all students to review the different approach. Dr. Kermit Ward Superintendent View the full dress code in the Student Handbook here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HCLH0pHXkLLmeziHzlaiy9xvUjVTpcm6/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Dress Code Reminders
about 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
January Cafeteria Menu
VHS Yearbooks are changing up some this year! Please see the attached image for more information on the changes to our yearbooks. You can also go to bit.ly/VHSYearbook23 to learn more!
about 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Yearbook image
Just a reminder that the last day of school before our break will be Friday, December 16. Enjoy the holidays and we look forward to seeing all of our students again on January 4!
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
No School
Our new Vernon ISD Superintendent, Dr. Kermit Ward, has a message for our Vernon Community. You can also view Dr. Ward's letter here: https://www.vernonisd.org/o/vernon-isd/page/superintendent-welcome
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Dr. Ward Photo
Dr. Ward Welcome Letter
Last night we played our Annual Powder Puff game. The sophomores came out on top, winning over the Freshman and then the Juniors in the Championship Round!! We had the best Cheerleaders too! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us! If you want to see more pictures of the Powder Puff game, here they are: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.820302442689429&type=3
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Powder Puff
Powder Puff
Powder Puff
Powder Puff
Our Vernon Lady Lion Girls Basketball Team are the Pool A Champions in the For The Love Of The Game basketball tournament this weekend! Key'Maria McBride also won Most Outstanding Player! Great job girls!
over 2 years ago, Chantilly Sweet
varsity girls basketball
Key'Maria McBride
Dr. Ward, Vernon ISD’s new Superintendent wanted to spend his first day on campus with kids! Dr. Ward said, “This morning I wanted to meet kids and this particular student was the very first high schooler on campus.”
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Dr. Ward greets student
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Come join us on Thursday, December 1, to welcome our new Superintendent, Dr. Kermit Ward, to Vernon ISD!
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Meet  and Greet
🏀Boys Basketball Fundraiser🏀 Support our Vernon Lion Boys Basketball teams in their fundraiser and get your Vernon Lions apparel! The fundraiser closes on November 30. Here is the link to the fundraiser: http://fancloth.shop/cs8b4
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Anonymous Reporting Vernon ISD is committed to the safety of our students and want them, along with the community, to feel comfortable with reporting any concerns they may have. We are now using a program called Stop It which allows anyone to make an anonymous report about a variety of situations including bullying, drugs, vaping, violence, self-harm, threats, and so much more! If you, or someone you know, would like to make a report, they can do so by going to https://appweb.stopitsolutions.com/login. They will search for Vernon ISD and then choose the campus. The report is completely anonymous.
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Stop It