Vernon was scheduled to host Graham here Friday for varsity and JV non-district baseball games. However due to the extremely high wind that is being expected, the games have been postponed and will be played Saturday. The JV game will start at 12 p.m., with the varsity game scheduled for 2 p.m.
about 10 hours ago, Vernon ISD
Our Lions hit the court Friday morning for the UIL 3A & Under State Team Tennis Tournament at the Waco Regional Tennis Center. The first round starts at 8 a.m. GOOD LUCK LIONS!!!
about 14 hours ago, Vernon ISD
good luck state team tennis tourney
STATE SENDOFF!!! We have another group heading to state Thursday!! Our Lions tennis team is competing in the UIL 3A & Under State Team Tennis Tournament Friday and Saturday in Waco. Help us send them off in style tomorrow!! Join them at the tennis court at 8:30 a.m., or line Wilbarger Street and cheer them on as they head out of town!!
2 days ago, Vernon ISD
state team tennis sendoff
We have 6 Lady Lions -- Kamryn Hall, Danielle Eneanya, Olivia Carr, Erianna Chavez, Amari Garcia and Nadia Gaines -- competing in the State Powerlifting Tournament Thursday in Edinburg. There will be a sendoff for our state qualifiers tomorrow morning beginning at 8 a.m., at the field house and continuing as they are escorted down Wilbarger. Please come out and send them off in style. Line the street, wave and honk your horn as they pass by! Good Luck Ladies!!! We are proud of you!!
4 days ago, Vernon ISD
state powerlifting sendoff
Our Lions open District 7-3A action today with a doubleheader in Jacksboro against the Tigers. Game 1 will begin at 3 p.m., with Game 2 to follow at approximately 5 p.m. Good Luck Lions!!!
4 days ago, Vernon ISD
Our Lady Lions are traveling to Jacksboro today for a District 7-3A doubleheader against the Tigerettes. Game 1 will start at 11 a.m., with Game 2 scheduled to start at approximately 1 p.m. Good Luck Lady Lions!!!
4 days ago, Vernon ISD
BASEBALL GAME TIME CHANGE! The Lions open District 7-3A action tomorrow with a doubleheader in Jacksboro, and due to field conditions from the rain the area received Saturday, game times have been pushed back. Game 1 will now begin at 3 p.m., with Game 2 set for a 5 p.m. start. The JV game will begin following the conclusion of Game 2.
5 days ago, Vernon ISD
REMINDER!! Just in case you need it -- we spring forward tonight night!! Before you go to bed remember to set your clock 1 hour ahead! If you don't, you'll be running behind tomorrow!!
6 days ago, Vernon ISD
daylight savings time
CONGRATULATIONS!! REGIONAL CHAMPS!! STATE BOUND!! Our Lions captured the Region 1 3A&Below Team Tennis Tournament crown with a 10-1 victory over Shallowater in the finals. The Lions will play in the State Team Tennis Tournament next Friday and Saturday in Waco.
6 days ago, Vernon ISD
tennis regional champs
The Lions baseball team was scheduled to play games in Henrietta tomorrow, however due to the weather forecast of rain for most of the day, the games have been cancelled. The Lions will open District 7-3A action on Monday when they travel to Jacksboro for a doubleheader. Game 1 will start at 12 p.m., with Game 2 to follow. A JV game will also be played with a tentative start time of 4 p.m.
6 days ago, Vernon ISD
baseball games cancelled
Our VHS tennis team is headed to the Region 1 3A & Below Team Tennis Tournament finals!! The Lions defeated Lamesa 10-0 in the second round. They will face either Shallowater or Brownfield in the finals that will start at 5:30 pm. GOOD LUCK LIONS!!!!
7 days ago, Vernon ISD
Here is the March Newsletter from our VISD Social Worker Nicole Cameron.
7 days ago, Vernon ISD
social worker march newsletter
GOOD NEWS FROM LEVELLAND!! Our VHS tennis defeated Denver City, 19-0, in the 1st round of the Region 1 3A & Below Team Tennis Tournament. Waiting to see who we play in the 2nd round.
7 days ago, Vernon ISD
Our Lions left today to compete in the Division 3 Regional Powerlifting Meeting being held Saturday, in Brownfield. Those qualifiers include: (front row, from left) Julian Sauceda, Izzy Espinoza, A.J. Ragland, and Brayden Ledesma; (back row) Devin Arthur (alternate), Christian Gallegos, Manny Ochoa, Justin Rejino and Bowie Eakin. Not pictured are Mason Ballard, Tru Gipson, Ethan Wilkinson, Keigan Ballard and Brayden Booth.
7 days ago, Vernon ISD
regional qualifiers powerlifting
Yesterday, in her Senior English class teacher Ms. Kayla Bennett had guest speakers, Allison Barritt, OTA/S, and Rustyn Fuller, OTA/S, who gave a presentation on the Caddo Kiowa Technology Center's Occupational Therapy Assistant program. The two are finishing up the program this semester. Two VHS students, Ryne Sanders and Adrian King took a turn trying to pull apart TheraPutty.
7 days ago, Vernon ISD
This will be the Main Event at the Skandar Akbar Memorial Cup being held Saturday, March 29, at D.O. Fulton Gym. Vernon is home to the late legendary wrestler Skandar Akbar and this wrestling event is to honor him. The event, a six-man tag team tournament, is being presented by King of Sports Championship Wrestling. Check out the link to the video and learn more about this exciting event.
7 days ago, Vernon ISD
Good luck to our VHS tennis team!! They will be competing in the UIL Class 3A & Below Region 1 Team Tennis Tournament on Friday and Saturday at South Plains College in Levelland. The first and second place teams from the tournament will advance to the UIL Class 3A & Below State Team Tennis Tournament March 14 & 15 in Waco.
8 days ago, Vernon ISD
tennis team regional team tennis uil
We are getting a little head start on our Spring Break, as tomorrow is an Early Release Friday. We hope everyone has a safe, fun and relaxing Spring Break. Classes resume on Monday, March 17.
8 days ago, Vernon ISD
early release friday
CONGRATULATIONS!! To VHS senior Kellan Byars who made the Texas High School Coaches Association Academic All-State Wrestling Team. Kellan, a senior, made the academic all-state first team!
9 days ago, Vernon ISD
With all of the teams in District 7-3A eliminated from the playoffs, the district's All-District team has been announced. Congratulations to senior Adarius Williams for making the All-District Second Team, and senior Jackson Aydelott and juniors Ty Scott and Jamari Chance for earning Honorable Mention. Hitting the books in the classroom and making the Academic All-District team were seniors Adarius Williams, Ethan Evans and J'Dyn Cooper, and juniors Ty Scott, David Albineda and Jamari Chance.
9 days ago, Vernon ISD